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Frequently Asked Questions

SMOA Governing Documents

What are the governing documents?

The Governing Documents include the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, & Restrictions (CC&Rs), the Articles of Incorporation, the Bylaws, and the Rules & Regulations (R&Rs) of Sunshine Meadows. Each homeowner received a copy of these documents and agreed to the provisions and conditions of the documents before the purchase of their home in the Sunshine Meadows development. It's the responsibility of all homeowners to read, understand and comply with the provisions and conditions of the Governing Documents. In turn, it's the responsibility of landlord owners to provide copies of the Governing Documents to all tenants, who are also required to read, understand and comply with these documents. All City Codes are incorporated into the Rules & Regulations (R&Rs).

Enforcement of Governing Documents

Who oversees the enforcement of the Governing Documents?

The Board of Directors has final responsibility for enforcing the Governing Documents, however, the Rules & Regulations Committee is empowered by the Board to maintain the day-to-day enforcement.

I have a complaint about another resident's violation of the Rules & Regulations. Who should I call, or what should I do?

You may fill out a Resident Input Form (RIF) and mail it to the address on the form.

I received a Rules & Regulations violation notice in the mail that I don't agree with. How can I appeal it?

You may write a letter to the Board explaining your appeal, or you may fill out a Resident Input Form (RIF) and mail it to the address listed on the form. Your appeal will be submitted to the Arbitration Committee.

Annual Dues

When will I be billed for my Homeowner's Dues and how much are they?

Homeowner's Dues statements are issued in January each year and are due within 60 days from the date of the statement. The dues amount was set by the developer at twenty dollars ($20) per month or $240.00 per year per lot and is the current amount being assessed. The full yearly amount is to be paid at one time, since the Association does not make allowances for installment payments. Late charges of 1.5% per month will apply if not paid on time.

What do the Homeowner's Dues provide me as a homeowner?

The funds are used to maintain the common area greenspaces; snow removal from the walking paths in the winter; maintenance of the common area sprinkler systems (repairs, blowouts, turn-ons and backflow testing); insurance; utilities, such as the irrigation water, electricity for the pump house, sprinkler systems, sewer lift stations and entry signs; office and management expenses; bookkeeping and legal fees. Excess funds are invested in a money-market account and may be used in the event of a shortfall of funds or for special projects and major repairs.

SMOA Business

How many people serve on the Board of Directors and who are they?

The Bylaws allow for seven (7) board positions. The current board members are:

  • Details coming soon!

When is the annual General Meeting held?

The General Meeting is held in September. A notification of the meeting is sent no more than 30 days and no less than 10 days prior to the meeting. The Board may call additional General Meetings when it is deemed necessary.

I'm an out-of-state owner and can't attend the General Meeting. Is there a way I can still vote?

Absentee owners may vote by proxy using the Proxy Form. The completed and signed form must be received at least one day prior to the meeting.

Property Maintenance

Who is responsible for maintaining the swale in front of my house?

The homeowner is responsible for the maintenance of the swale that fronts their property. On corner lots, they are also responsible for the swale at the side of their property. "Maintenance" means keeping the swale mowed, trimmed and free of weeds, as well as keeping the inlet from the street free of dirt, weeds and debris. The inlets allow rain and snow melt-off to drain into the swale, where the street contaminants are filtered out in the draining process. Over time, the inlets can get clogged with dirt, so annual clean-out is recommended. Placement of obstacles, such as basketball stands, at the point of inlet restricts the free flow of runoff and must be avoided.

Who is responsible for clearing snow and ice off the sidewalk in front of my house?

The homeowner is responsible for the removal of snow and ice from the front sidewalk. If the homeowner is not able to remove the snow, for whatever reason, he/she must arrange for removal. Sidewalks must be cleared of snow by 9:00 am with each snowfall, or as soon after the snow has stopped as possible, as per City Code.

The city planted a tree in my swale that I didn't ask for. Why should I take care of it?

City Code mandates a street tree in each swale. A tree fee was paid at the time the building permit was issued. It is a service of the City to determine the safe placement, then plant the trees. The City also selects species of trees that are tolerant of the contaminates that may drain into the swales. A single tree, even a small one, adds hundreds of dollars of value to your property. All that is asked of the homeowner is to water the tree regularly during the first two or three years to establish it. About five gallons of extra water per week (more during very hot spells) should be applied slowly around the root system of the tree in addition to the water it receives from your irrigation system. Care should be taken when using string trimmers to avoid damage to the tree. The homeowner should also watch for pest damage or disease. If these or vandalism damage are observed, the homeowner should contact Urban Forestry at 208-769-2266.

Before You Build

I'm planning an outdoor building project. Who do I contact to get approval?

The procedure to follow for any outdoor project in Sunshine Meadows is as follows:

  1. Obtain an Architectural Control Improvement Request Form, fill out the application, and return to the address on the form. Your application must include the nature of the project, the site location, setbacks, dimensions, and specs. This should be accompanied by a drawing or drawings.
  2. A member of the Architectural Control Committee will contact you for an initial consultation. That committee's decision will be passed on to the Board.
  3. After initial go-ahead is given, obtain a building permit from the City, if needed.
  4. After project is completed, call for an inspection and final approval by the Architectural Control Committee.

Please follow this procedure for all projects to avoid receiving a fine.

Neighborhood Security

What is Neighborhood Watch?

Neighborhood Watch is a program that is overseen by the Coeur d'Alene Police Department to help keep neighborhoods safe and crime-free. A representative explains the program, then helps coordinators initiate the program in area neighborhoods. To contact the Sunshine Meadows' Neighborhood Watch Coordinator, call the Homeowners' Hotline at 208-777-9918.

What should I do if I see suspected gang activity or new graffiti in the neighborhood?

You should contact our Homeowners' Hotline at 208-777-9918 and your information will be turned over to the Gang Task Force.

Volunteer Opportunities

I'm interested in serving on a committee or the Board. Who should I contact?

You may fill out a Resident Input Form (RIF) with your request to serve on a committee and send it to the address on the form or simply write to the Board at:

Sunshine Meadows Owners Association, Inc.
c/o ABC Escrow and Management
PO Box 3450
Post Falls, ID 83877-3450

Or call: 208-777-9918

What committees are available and what do they do?

The committees consist of the following:

  • Arbitration Committee - Arbitrates disputes or reviews and makes judgements on violation appeals. Meets as needed
  • Architectural Committee - Reviews proposals from owners for outside improvements to their property. Meets as needed. Must have architectural or engineering background.
  • Community Park Committee - Coordinates with the City Parks Director for special Community Park Workdays. Helps make decisions on park design elements. Meets as needed.
  • Finance Committee - Helps Board make financial decisions. Works with Board Treasurer. Meets as needed.
  • Gang/Graffiti Task Force - Coordinates with City Gang Task Force to eliminate gang and graffiti activity. Removes graffiti. Meets as needed.
  • Landscape & Grounds Committee - Helps plan special landscaping projects and prepares cost estimates. Coordinates special community project workdays. Reviews landscaping or repair bids and submits recommendations to Board for final decision. Meets as needed.
  • Neighborhood Watch - Works with City Neighborhood Watch Program. Participants watch for unusual or suspicious activity in their own neighborhood. Coordinates neighborhood meetings. Meets as needed.
  • Rules & Regulations Committee - Enforces the Rules & Regulations. Notes and tracks violations and sends violation notices. Meets monthly or more.

Sunshine Meadows Owners Association, Inc.
c/o ABC Escrow and Management
PO Box 3450, Post Falls, ID 83877-3450

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Copyright © 2004-2008 Daniel Kauffman at Rock Solid Solutions. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2008 Sunshine Meadows Owners Association, Inc. All rights reserved.